
Below are selected resources to help you on your journey- whether you are a parent seeking information, support, or guidance; a young person looking for resources to better understand their own experiences, or ways to share important parts of themselves with others. Know that this is not nearly an exhaustive list, however, a small sampling of what is available. If you are looking for something either not listed below, or additional resources, please feel free to request additional resources.

Mental Health Resources

National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI)- Directory of resources to support mental health; Resources for individuals, families, and professionals

National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH)- Federal agency for research on mental health conditions

Child Mind Institute- Information and resources about childhood mental health, family resources, and evidence-based care.

National Autism Association

The National Autism Association provides valuable information, webinars and toolkits for families and children affected by Autism Spectrum Disorder.

PDA Resources

PDA North America Education and resources to families, professionals, and educators to be able to work with those with the Pervasive/Pathological Demand Avoidant Profile of Autism Spectrum Disorder.

PDA Mama Bear Coaching for parents and professionals to help support and provide alternative approaches to raising a child with Autistic Pathological Demand Avoidance.

No Pressure PDA Resources created by a PDA adult and parent to PDA children. Blog, printables, and more!

ADHD Resources

CHADD- Children and Adults with ADHD; Resources for those impacted by ADHD, whether you have ADHD, or are the parent, partner, friend, professional, or educator encountering those with ADHD.

ADDitude Magazine- Information, resources and articles for ADHD across the lifespan, for adults, parents, and professionals

IL Special Education- IEP & 504

WrightsLaw- Resource for parents of children receiving special education services, or for those children that are in need of special education services. Learn about your rights as a parent and in which ways your child(ren)’s school is responsible for providing accommodations and/or modifications for your child(ren) and their learning or medical needs.

ISBE Laws and Regulations- Illinois state laws, regulations, and guidances. Links to specific documents. Also, link to to the ISBE list of Independent Education Evaluators list is HERE.

IEP vs. 504- Link to a chart explaining the differences and similarities between a 504 plan and an IEP.

LGBTQ+ Resources

The Trevor Project Crisis intervention and suicide prevention for LGBTQ+ youth

PFLAG Support, information and resources for LGBTQ+ people, their parents, families, and allies.

TransWhat? For those who have recently learned that someone they care about are trans

The SafeZone Project Resources cultivated by the SafeZone Project, an organization promoting LGBTQ awareness and Ally Training Workshops